You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pount. I´m telling you why: A slimline teetotal Santa Claus is coming to town!
Well, he could be, if the Pc brigade has its way.
A team of health experts have accused Santa of promoting Santa of promoting obesity and drink – driving.
They say a fat, tipsy Father Christmas with no regard for health and safety sends out the wrong message to children and they want to give him a makeover.
“We propose a new image for Santa to ensure that his influence on public health is a positive one”, said researcher Dr Nathan Grills of Monash Universty in Melbourne, Australia.
He said the tradition of living a glass of sherry out for Santa could be seen to promote drink –driving.
“With a few billion houses to visit Santa would soon be over the limit”, he added.
Other dangerous activities he could be accused of promoting include speeding, disregard for the Highway Code and extreme sports such as roof surfing and chimney jumping. Despite the risks of high-speed air travel Santa its “never seen wearing a seat belt or a helmet”.
Dr Grills wants Santa to hop off his speedy sleigh and jog his way around the world, he writes in the British Medical Journal.
He also thinks the usual mince pie left out for him should be replaced with healthy celery or a carrot sticks.
Santa also used to appear in ads of cigarettes in the 1930´s but that has now been banned – thank goodness, or the Aussie researchers would have blown a gasket.
The London Evening Standard
Well, he could be, if the Pc brigade has its way.
A team of health experts have accused Santa of promoting Santa of promoting obesity and drink – driving.
They say a fat, tipsy Father Christmas with no regard for health and safety sends out the wrong message to children and they want to give him a makeover.
“We propose a new image for Santa to ensure that his influence on public health is a positive one”, said researcher Dr Nathan Grills of Monash Universty in Melbourne, Australia.
He said the tradition of living a glass of sherry out for Santa could be seen to promote drink –driving.
“With a few billion houses to visit Santa would soon be over the limit”, he added.
Other dangerous activities he could be accused of promoting include speeding, disregard for the Highway Code and extreme sports such as roof surfing and chimney jumping. Despite the risks of high-speed air travel Santa its “never seen wearing a seat belt or a helmet”.
Dr Grills wants Santa to hop off his speedy sleigh and jog his way around the world, he writes in the British Medical Journal.
He also thinks the usual mince pie left out for him should be replaced with healthy celery or a carrot sticks.
Santa also used to appear in ads of cigarettes in the 1930´s but that has now been banned – thank goodness, or the Aussie researchers would have blown a gasket.
The London Evening Standard
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